Flexible Delineators are designed to “delineate” traffic or guide traffic into a specific lane. Flexible delineators are available in many heights and color choices. They also come in both tubular and flat panel designs.

The number of impacts ranges from 340 hits at 35 mph to 100 hits at 70 mph, depending on the category of delineator. All categories of delineators are required to come with reflective sheeting. Normally the diameter of delineator is 8cm and the width of the reflective sheeting self-adhesive on it is 3”, with two stripes. As for the height, it could be at 80cm-120cm.

The principle of retroreflective sheeting is that where the light comes, where the light goes. As for XW1300 PC Type Reflective Sheeting surface high-intensity grade film, the encapsulated lens help a lot in the brightness.