What is the development prospect of prismatic reflective materials in the reflective materials industry?

What is the development prospect of microprismatic reflective materials in the reflective materials industry

 What is reflective material?

Reflective material is also called retro-reflective material or regression reflective material. Based on the technical principle, reflective materials can be divided into micro-prismatic and glass micro-bead.

(1) Micro-prismatic material: mainly used in the production of high-end reflective film. The production technology of micro-prismatic reflective film is relatively difficult, and the product price is higher. It is currently mainly used in the field of highway signs and signboards.

(2) Glass micro-bead reflective material: mainly used in the production of reflective film and reflective cloth. At present, the production technology of this product is relatively mature, the product stability is high, the adaptability is strong, and the application range is wide. China has mastered the production technology of glass micro-bead reflective material, and the technical level and product quality have reached the international level, which is competitive in the global market.

What are the application occasions of reflective materials?

What are the application occasions of reflective materials

(1) prismatic reflective material is a high-end product, mainly used in high-grade road signs. The current global market size is about RMB 9 billion, and the domestic market size is about RMB 3.4 billion. However, the domestic micro-prismatic reflective material industry started late and is currently mainly occupied by foreign companies such as 3M. ​​There is a large space for domestic substitution in the high-end field.
Reflective materials are mainly used in highway signs, billboards, automobiles and other fields. In recent years, the development of downstream industries has been slow, and the growth rate of reflective material market demand has slowed down. Benefiting from the development of the new energy vehicle industry, the application prospects of reflective materials in the automotive field in the future are good. In terms of production, there are many reflective material manufacturers in China, and each company is gradually developing with great strength.

Market demand for reflective materials:

A. Market demand for reflective film for road traffic signs and signboards

Highway and urban road signs and signboards are the largest application areas of reflective materials in the planned special market, and are also one of the fastest growing areas of use. The planned special market mainly uses reflective film products. With the continuous development of the economy, the construction of transportation facilities has also entered a rapid development track: the mileage of highways has repeatedly set new highs; the urbanization process has continuously improved urban and rural roads. The demand for reflective materials in the transportation industry has entered a period of substantial growth.

2. Highway signs mainly use engineering-grade, high-strength-grade, and super-strong-grade reflective films. The annual demand for reflective film for highway signs and signboards mainly includes two types: renewal demand and new demand.

B:Demand for reflective film in the motor vehicle industry:

In recent years, the motor vehicle market has shown a rapid growth trend, which has promoted a substantial increase in the demand for license plate reflective film and body sticker reflective sheeting. In the future license plate reflective film market, the demand for license plate reflective film due to new vehicle license plates and replacement license plates generated by second-hand car transactions each year, as well as the national policy requirement for relevant vehicles to compulsorily affix body reflective logos, will become an important guarantee for the continued steady development of the market.