How do stickers reflect light?

How do stickers reflect light

How can cyclists ensure their personal safety when riding in the dark night with poor lighting conditions or pitch black?

Experienced cyclists have already made adequate preparations. When they ride at night, they usually install various lights to facilitate identification by other vehicles or pedestrians on the road. Among them, if the wheels are hot-stamped with XW Reflective material or reflective self-adhesive stickers, it is an indispensable preparation. It not only does not require battery power, but also this reflective bike stickersr with special technology can reflect light from any direction, allowing the driver of the vehicle to see it from a distance, playing a warning role, and to a large extent ensuring the life safety of the cyclist. Therefore, it can be regarded as the best choice for cycling enthusiasts.

Moreover, these reflective stickers only need to be attached to the wheels, and the wind resistance and weight burden of the bicycle can be ignored compared to general lights.Some reflective materials can even be applied to bicycle tires and reflective strips can be embedded in bicycle wheels. Reflective self-adhesive stickers have more choices, such as rich colors, complete specifications, high temperature resistance, surface anti-fouling, UV coating, glossy, texture like car paint, waterproof and sun-proof, and no fading. And the method of use is also very simple and easy to operate. You only need to clean the front and rear wheel rims where you want to stick them, and then stick them on. When riding at night, as long as there is a light source shining on the reflective material attached to the wheel rim, a reflective track will be formed, reflecting the brightness of an incandescent lamp, which looks interesting, colorful and stylish, and is especially popular with cyclists. At the same time, you can equip a cycling reflective vest, the guardian of the lives of cyclists!

Wearing a reflective vest when riding a bicycle :

Wearing a reflective vest when riding a bicycle

This is mainly related to the local road conditions and policies in the UK. In the UK, especially in ancient cities like London, the roads are narrow, and now the traffic problem is becoming more and more serious. The mayor of London has set an example and advocated green travel for citizens, and bicycles have become a popular way of travel for the public. However, there is no special non-motor vehicle lane in the UK, and bicycles cannot be driven on the sidewalk. The transportation department has drawn a bicycle driving area on the motor vehicle lane with a yellow line, which is just wide enough for a bicycle to pass. You can imagine how narrow the area is. In order to ensure the safety of these cyclists, the transportation department stipulates that cyclists must do two things before they can go on the road: one is that they must wear a reflective vest with reflective strips. Everyone knows that London is a foggy and rainy city, and it is rare for the weather to be clear, and many sections of the UK do not have street lights, especially in winter when it is dark around 4 pm, and bicycles are smaller on the road, so if you ride on the road at this time without taking any measures, it will be very dangerous.

1. Wearing a reflective vest can help you be spotted by car drivers in advance, so that they can prepare to give way or slow down in advance.
Second, you should do a comprehensive inspection of the vehicle before going on the road, especially the lights and bells. These are absolutely indispensable. At night, the blue front lights and red rear lights of British bicycles flicker on and off, which can remind cars traveling in both directions from a distance to pay attention.