Amulet for night runners—reflective materials

Amulet for night runners—reflective materials

How reflective materials protect their safety

As the pace of urban life becomes faster and faster, more and more people relieve stress by running at night. The number of night runners is also increasing, and the potential safety hazards they bring also trouble many night runners. Compared with the previous fluorescent materials, high-tech reflective materials have begun to escort night runners.

With the help of reflective effects, clear safety guidance is provided for night runners at night, which invisibly improves the safety of night running. In addition, some athletes stick reflective products on their clothes and wear reflective tapes to make themselves easier to identify in the dark, thereby avoiding traffic collisions. More advanced is that some sports brands even weave reflective materials into sportswear, so that sportswear can also emit light in the dark. According to our understanding, this is made of micro-prismatic reflective film. The characteristics of micro-prismatic technology are: after the micro-prisms are connected and arranged, there will be more than 930 micro-crystal cubes on a square centimeter of material area. The reflective principle of micro-prismatic reflective film is different from the reflective principle of glass beads used in engineering-grade and high-strength reflective films.

“Protective umbrella” for night construction workers

As we all know, with the improvement of urban infrastructure, the more equipment a city has, the more equipment needs to be repaired. Especially for facilities such as cables and pipelines, since they are all urgently needed, construction workers have to repair them overnight.

So, how can we ensure the safety of night construction workers?

So, how can we ensure the safety of night construction workers

Visibility is extremely low at night, and it is difficult for drivers to see the construction workers on the roadside. Some even need to go underground to repair the road, with half of their bodies exposed on the ground. If the driver is not careful at this time, it is easy to cause a tragedy.

The emergence of reflective vests has played a powerful role. Reflective vests are made of reflective materials embedded in the main parts of clothes or vests. They are personal safety products used at night or in bad weather, and can better protect workers when working outdoors.

The reflective part of the reflective vest uses the refraction of the micro-diamond shape of the lattice and the retro-reflection principle of high-refractive glass beads. It can reflect direct light from a distance back to the light source, and has good retro-reflective optical properties regardless of day or night. Especially at night, it can play the same high visibility as during the day. Safety clothing made of this material can be easily discovered by night drivers whether the construction workers are far away or under the interference of scattered light, reducing a large part of the safety hazards.

Golden rules for night running:

  •  Expect that drivers may not see you, so be prepared to dodge in time when they really can’t see you;
  •  When turning into a blind corner, don’t run against the flow of traffic;
  •  When possible, try to use the sidewalk or shoulder. You should know that in many states in the United States, pedestrians are prohibited from going on the road (driveway) when the sidewalk is available;
  • At night, choose a place with bright sidewalks to run. If it is really dark, you should consider using the playground track
  •  Wear luminous reflective clothing so that when a car passes by, the owner can also see you because the reflective strips on your body can make them see you. And on rainy days, you can also choose a reflective raincoat, which can also effectively avoid car accidents.