Are reflective stickers really important?

Are reflective stickers really important

Friends who often drive trucks may know the importance of reflective stickers, reflective materials, and some reflective fabrics and reflective cloths, because these reflective materials have a common feature, that is, they can reflect and warn at the right time and have a certain protective effect.

The most important indicators of reflective stickers are reflectivity, reflection angle, viscosity and durability. At night, when other car lights hit the genuine and fake reflective stickers, the intensity of the light reflected into the human eye is very obvious, and the inferior reflective stickers look much dimmer. And in the process of long-term wind and rain, it is easy for the reflective film to fall off, and the reflective effect is lost. The reflectivity is poor, and it is easy to fall off. At night, the role of reflective stickers is better than nothing, which can easily lead to traffic accidents.

Don’t underestimate reflective stickers

Speaking of reflective materials, most people are familiar with them. Outdoor workers usually wear reflective clothing with reflective materials. This material can make the light return in the opposite direction along the sending route, so that the light source receives significant Signal, the life safety of outdoor workers, especially those working at night, is more guaranteed.

Reflective stickers can also be used on electric vehicles?

In daily life, reflective materials are widely used in the field of traffic safety. For example, the new regulations for motor vehicles implemented on New Year’s Day 2018 require that motor vehicles must be equipped with triangular warning frames and reflective vests. In addition to motor vehicles, electric bicycles also occupy an important position in traffic. Although electric vehicles have taillights, there are also cases where the taillights are not lit or broken. In this way, it is not easy to be discovered by motor vehicles in time under lighting conditions such as early darkness in winter or rainy days, which poses a huge traffic safety hazard. However, if reflective strips are attached, this will increase the probability of riders being discovered by motor vehicles, while increasing the sight distance and reducing the risk of accidents involving electric vehicles.

That is to say ,ading reflective stickers to the side of the electric vehicle, such as reflective strips and anti-theft stickers on the tires or rims, can prevent side collisions. The most important thing about reflective stickers is to choose the right place to stick them. It is recommended to stick them on the left side of the faucet (the junction of the upper and lower pipes). It is easy to stick and will not be blocked by the feet. The reason for sticking them on the left side is that we ride on the right, and the lights of other vehicles mainly come from the left. In addition, bicycles can also use reflective materials reasonably, or wear reflective vests/reflective raincoats to add a layer of safety protection for themselves on the road where vehicles are constantly passing by.

How to use reflective stickers?

How to use reflective stickers

Amulet for night runners—reflective materials

Amulet for night runners—reflective materials

Usually, the reflective signs on the vehicle body should be pasted on the vehicle body surface that is unobstructed, easy to see, flat, continuous, and free of dust, water stains, oil stains, rust, and paint warping.

  1.  First, wipe off the dust on the surface to be pasted before pasting. For areas with oil stains and stains, use a soft cloth dipped in a degreasing solvent or a cleaning agent to remove them, and then paste them after drying.
  2.  For areas where the paint has become soft, powdered, rusted or warped, remove this part of the paint, polish the area with sandpaper and do anti-rust treatment, and then paste the reflective material signs on the vehicle body.